Agriculture 4.0 – Farm Improvements

Agriculture 4.0 – Farm Improvements
Darrius Drew
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Agriculture, like any field of economy, is undergoing changes. During meetings for farmers, the issue of agriculture 4.0 is often raised. What is the meaning of this concept?

The fourth revolution of agriculture is also referred to as digital transformation of Polish countryside. It is related, among others, to the increasing number of electronic devices which support work in the field. What advantages does modern technology bring with it? In which fields of agriculture is it the most useful and what changes are waiting for us in the future?

Intelligent agricultural solutions

In the fourth revolution of agriculture the most valuable information is information, in fact hundreds or even thousands of parameters on the basis of which the most effective strategy of action is planned. The more information, the more precise actions can be taken. In agriculture 4.0, precision is the key word from which everything begins. The smartphone, tablet and computer are the tools of the modern farmer. Sophisticated software analyzes huge amounts of data in real time and suggests the best solutions, taking into account many variable factors. What can you use them for?

  • Among other things, every plant needs water to grow properly. Lack of water can lead not only to lower yields, but even no yield at all. Precise irrigation on the one hand provides all plants with exactly the amount of water they need. On the other hand it guarantees savings and sensible management of this valuable substance. Not everyone knows that about 65% of the water extracted worldwide is used in agriculture. Unfortunately, a large part of it is wasted. Thanks to 4.0 solutions, this situation is gradually improving.
  • Precise weather monitoring is another important issue that will help farmers to reduce losses, among other things. Climate change is making the weather less and less predictable. Long-lasting droughts alternate with heavy rainfall. Weather is an extremely important factor in agriculture. Modern monitoring systems make it possible to precisely plan work on a farm. Their absence can have disastrous consequences for both large and small farms.

The more we know, the better we can plan our activities. This, in turn, directly translates into the efficiency of our work and its results.

Using drones in agriculture

Unmanned aerial vehicles have established themselves for good in virtually all uniformed services. Nowadays, they are increasingly used in agriculture as well. Industrial drones are equipped with intelligent control systems and a capacious battery, thanks to which they can fly for up to several dozen minutes. For what purposes can they be used?

  • In the case of large farms, mapping the area proves to be extremely important. Such preventive actions allow for early detection of problems. The faster we deal with them, the smaller losses they will generate.
  • Another consideration is precision spraying. Many farms use a variety of crop protection products. Drones used in agriculture are equipped with a spray tank that allows them to perform extremely precise spraying. Such spot actions make the yields much higher.

Unmanned aerial vehicles provide a lot of valuable information that can take a farm to a new level of management. Although we can see them on a small portion of farms for now, they are sure to become more popular in the near future.

Smart management software

Sophisticated software collects data from multiple sensors and analyzes soil quality, soil moisture, weather, the amount of crop protection products used, and more. Based on this, the profitability of crops can be estimated, among other things. The program can also analyze all expenses incurred, making it a great tool for optimizing crop costs. Better management of capital makes it possible to implement planned investments faster and benefit from them earlier.

Main article photo: source: Designed by Freepik

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