IoT on the Cloud: What You Need to Know

IoT on the Cloud: What You Need to Know
Darrius Drew
Software and IT
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The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to devices that are connected to the internet, which may then in turn collect data and report it back to the cloud server via the internet. This can include just about any device, including refrigerators, door locks, light bulbs, lamps, and even your car! That’s why it’s important to understand how IoT works with the cloud and how it can impact your business and day-to-day life as you know it.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is an important part of our lives. It gives us the power to connect any physical object and make it smart, thereby transforming it into a source of data. This data can be used for many purposes, such as improving customer experience and creating new business opportunities. The cloud provides IoT with a variety of benefits that help companies leverage IoT investments to drive growth. Whether you need security, scalability, or reliability, there are services available to provide these capabilities. With the right tools and access to the right services, IoT deployments are easier than ever before.

Integration tools

As technology continues to evolve, businesses need to stay on top of what’s going on to remain competitive. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a prime example of how quickly things can change. With IoT, an organization has access to all sorts of data that can be collected and analyzed with relative ease. Businesses need to learn what information they want from their IoT devices, then find out which cloud providers offer those services. There are many benefits to using a cloud service provider, such as unlimited bandwidth, scalability based on your needs, and availability of resources around the world 24 hours a day.


You can access IoT data from anywhere, cut storage costs, improve the stability of the network, and simplify the setup process with an IoT cloud solution. Compared to other options, such as iot on-premises, this technology is more cost-effective. Furthermore, IoT on the cloud allows you to share resources across companies and individuals, as well as monitor devices for critical events and automatically trigger alerts. IoT on the cloud has many benefits, but it’s important to consider some disadvantages, such as latency that is slower than traditional networks and security risks.

Scaling considerations

The first consideration when implementing an IoT strategy is whether or not you need to scale your network. If you have a large number of sensors, it will be easier if you can connect your devices to the internet rather than passing data back and forth from your cloud server. For example, by deploying only a few sensors there’s no need for a cloud-based solution because it wouldn’t do anything you can’t already do locally. It’s also important to think about how much storage space is available on the internet. There are many IoT platforms out there that don’t provide enough space for all of the information being generated by your devices. Before signing up with a company that stores data in their cloud, you should consider their data capacity, because they may run into bandwidth issues as they expand.

How it works

The term ‘Internet of Things was coined by British entrepreneur Kevin Ashton, who created it based on the observation of an increasing number of connected household devices. Cloud-integrated Internet of Things (IoT) is advantageous for a variety of reasons. It allows businesses to lower their cost, increase their customer service, and many other perks. The use of the Internet of Things on a cloud-based infrastructure can also help reduce the carbon footprint of an organization.


An IoT solution with cloud support provides you with an expansive list of features. This system allows you to track your inventory, improve customer service efficiency, and provide you with a secure place to remotely access data. Not only is it a more cost-effective option than on-premise IoT for enterprises, but it’s also for small businesses as well. this can be applied to small and large businesses alike, and if you would prefer to start small and grow with time, this is the ideal solution for you. If you want to begin, contact freeway.

main photo: Camille Rubin

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