How do you protect birds from windmills?

How do you protect birds from windmills?
Darrius Drew
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On the one hand, wind energy helps to reduce CO2 emissions, which is good for the environment. On the other hand, many birds and bats are killed every year when they are hit by windmills. How can this be prevented?

HD cameras a chance for animals

According to a study by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, about 150,000 birds die from wind farms each year. Bats die even more, about 800 thousand. The company Bioseco has created a system that will allow to avoid these losses. It is based on the operation of HD cameras.

Bioseco has been developing a system to protect or save birds, large birds on wind farms for many years. This device monitors the air space around the turbine and when it detects a bird or a flock of birds, it gives a signal to the turbine to stop. – krzysztof Paszek told the Newseria news agency

The system was tested on a windmill farm owned by PGE. The tests were very positive, the bird detection rate was set at 80%. Thanks to this, the project has a chance to appear on a larger scale

The project is already after the commercialization period, i.e. it is serially produced and sold, it is already operating in Poland, it has also been sold to Germany, France and Spain, both on the continent and in the Canary Islands. The market will grow, there is more environmental awareness and knowledge about the number of birds that die on wind farms. Many farms do not have any such systems, which would save birds from collisions with turbines – says co-founder of Bioseco.


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