Rules of data backup in a company

Rules of data backup in a company
Darrius Drew
Software and IT
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These days, virtually every company keeps its data digital. Organizations depend on data, and losing it is a huge logistical and financial disaster for a company. In this article, we will describe a backup strategy for your company.

What is data backup?

Data backup is a procedure that creates a backup copy of data. Such a copy can be used in case the original data is lost or damaged. It is important to perform the backup correctly, and a proper strategy will help with that.

Is it worth doing a backup?

Unfortunately, a large number of companies decide to implement a backup procedure only after the loss of data. Currently we are seeing increased activity of hackers. Company data is at a premium, so criminals take advantage of this. Data can also be lost in other situations: failure, theft or loss of equipment. So the answer to the question of whether it is worth it to back up files is obvious: YES

Types of backup


The most popular type of backup. It is simply a complete backup of all company data. The advantage is fast and complete data recovery in case of data loss. However, full backup needs a lot of disk space and the backup time is relatively long.


Copies are made of only those files that have been modified since the last backup. The advantage is saving disk space. The downside is the long time it takes to restore all data after the original files are lost.


Consists of creating copies of only those files that have been added since the last backup. Requires a full backup first. The advantage is the fastest time to make such a copy of the data. The big disadvantage is the longest time to restore all files.


Backup of all data. Created on the basis of the most recent backup, not on the basis of the current state of the system.

Backup strategy: 3-2-1 rule

Need to have 3 copies of the data

A company should have at least two additional backups in addition to the original version of the data. This is due to the likelihood of media failure. By having data on three media, we reduce the risk of data loss due to hardware failure from 1 in 100 to 1 in 1,000,000!

Using 2 different storage technologies

We should store data on at least two different types of memory type. For example, it can be an internal hard drive, external hard drive, SSD.

Storing 1 backup in the cloud

Keeping data in the cloud is becoming increasingly popular. Having a backup in the cloud is extremely secure and financially viable. In addition, it is independent of random events, such as a fire at your business. The security of cloud backup storage is also related to the fact that individual companies providing cloud space services have at least two independent servers where the data is stored. In the event of a possible failure of one of them, the company data is still safely stored on the other server. Files are encrypted and only the owner has access to them.

Main photo: Sergei Starostin/

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